Wednesday, 4 September 2013

A thought for fashion

I really enjoy creating outfits and shopping for new clothes... what girl doesn't?! But having recently become quite style orientated and becoming thoroughly financially drained, it's got me asking myself a few questions. This blog was also inspired after having a nosy on facebook at people I used to know - it's funny how some people seem exactly the same as they did several years ago, isn't it? (Be true to yourself but change and growth are very important!)

Is fashion really important? Is what we choose to wear really about conceiving our thoughts, feelings and personality with clothes and belongings? We say fashion is about expressing ourselves, showing our personalities and being individual... but are we really? Or are we really just becoming victims of consumerism? Driven by the media and our peers?

I'm particularly inspired by vintage trends and fashions, but also by my friends who are very artsy and individual like myself. I take bits of what I like and style them to suit me, I spend forever browsing online and in charity shops. So i'm actively choosing what I like and dislike rather than copying a fashion because topshop tells me too. (I'm not slagging off topshop fans btw!) But i'm sometimes left wondering "how much of this is really me?"

Surely this continual move towards vanity and self indulgence isn't good for the soul? It's a viscous cycle of wanting more and more... and not being contempt with what you already own. It's that demon again... Greed. But more importantly, this can lead us to feeling less contempt with our lives, possessions and selves. Is that what we're really striving towards?

One of my aims for the rest of the year is to try to be less excessive with belongings. I'm craving inner peace and i'm not going to find it in my wardrobe!!!

I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts and ideas on this, please share!
