Tuesday, 23 July 2013

A magical announcement...

The Grand Opening Of The Kawaii Times!!!

It's finally here! The highly anticipated grand opening of the lifestyle magazine for all things cute! It's positively adorable I can assure you. Imagine a cake. Now your eating the cake. Mmm, cake.

Anyway, The Kawaii Time's is very much a work in progress, but an exciting one at that. I can already taste the rainbows (and cake.) So be sure to take a peek and i'll keep you updated!



Did someone mention cake?

Monday, 22 July 2013

Hello there!

Welcome to ohpandahat's little blog of horrors! (It's not really scary...) Join me on my many adventures, undoubtedly containing misfortunes, disasters and dyspraxic moments!

The purpose of this blog is yet to be decided. I suspect it'll turn into a winding path of  ridiculousness, as do most of my endevours, but I will probably find it's focus eventually. Emphasis on the probably.

Anyway, It was very nice to meet you ^^ (apart from you, I can't stand you... bitch!) I hope you'll visit again soon!
